Séminaire Phyllis Lambert 2016 : Les architectes (re)cherchent

Samedi le 5 novembre à l’amphithéâtre 3110 de à la Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal se tiendra un séminaire sur Phyllis Lambert.

Les intervenants seront:

Mario Carpo, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College, London, Streamliners or Discretizers. From the First to the Second Digital Turn.

Salmaan Craig, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge (Massachusetts), The Thermal Resonance of Buildings.

Michael Hensel, Institute of Architecture, AHO, Oslo, What does Architecture do?

Jane Hutton, School of Architecture, University of Waterloo, Cambridge (Ontario), Reciprocal Landscapes: Following Material Movements.

Jenny Sabin, Sabin Design Lab, AAP, Cornell University, Ithaca, Matter Design Computation: Biosynthesis and New Paradigms of Making.

Robert Somol, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Chicago, That Sinking Feeling.

Georges Teyssot, École d’architecture, Université Laval, Québec, For a Techno-aesthetic: Infrastructures and Metastable Systems.

Modérateurs :

Samuel Bernier-Lavigne, École d’architecture, Université Laval, Québec
Denis Bilodeau, École d’architecture, Université de Montréal
Giovanna Borasi, Centre Canadien d’Architecture
Christina Contandriopoulos, Département d’histoire de l’art, UQAM, Montréal

